I can't keep up with what "Day" it is. It just feels like it is always the weekend but with no where to go and nothing that important to do.
Surprisingly, I am in a decent mood today. Not sure why. Yesterday was horrible. I think I cried all day long and my poor husband bore the brunt of my bad mood. Everything he did was wrong even though he did nothing wrong except avoid me. I apologized. I suspect I will be doing quite a bit of that. Like I said today isn't bad. I am feeling motivated and I am going to fold laundry and maybe vacuum a couple of rooms. I hope I don't over to do it though because there is still tomorrow.
In exciting gardening news, the daffodils are starting to bloom. It will be a beautiful profusion of yellow for a couple of weeks. I am sure I will take a million pictures just like I do every year but I just get so excited every year. It never gets old.
Surprisingly, I am in a decent mood today. Not sure why. Yesterday was horrible. I think I cried all day long and my poor husband bore the brunt of my bad mood. Everything he did was wrong even though he did nothing wrong except avoid me. I apologized. I suspect I will be doing quite a bit of that. Like I said today isn't bad. I am feeling motivated and I am going to fold laundry and maybe vacuum a couple of rooms. I hope I don't over to do it though because there is still tomorrow.
In exciting gardening news, the daffodils are starting to bloom. It will be a beautiful profusion of yellow for a couple of weeks. I am sure I will take a million pictures just like I do every year but I just get so excited every year. It never gets old.
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