Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day One - March 26, 2020

Today is Day One of the stay at home order issued by the Governor of the State of Colorado.  It went into affect (or effect?) this morning March 26, 2020 at 8 am.  I thought I would use this as an opportunity to keep sane, share my love of gardening and figure out what is important for the next half of my life. 

To be honest today didn't seem any different than most days.  I work from home and as long as I get my work done I can do what I want when I want.  My husband and I woke up usual time; fed the cats; ate breakfast; husband had early conference call; went for walk together; did some work; and worked in the yard.  The biggest and most obvious difference was during our walk.  It was so silent and we only met up with two other people.  Normally this time of year, the trail is getting busier with walkers and bikers.  The traffic is nonexistent and I am thinking this is a perk. 

Even tonight while I am sitting here, I am not anxious or worried. I am just doing my thing which will include surfing the web, doing some pretend shopping online, watching some TV and reading my book before falling asleep. 

Time to move onto gardening.  I am making cat teepees out of some tree branches that I just cut down. I am going to put them in the yard and let the perennials grow up around them.  My cats will LOVE this.  They are so confused right now.  I have cut down or back the perennials so there is no where to hide. 

I am not sure if I will be posting everyday; maybe I will come up with a format or theme; or maybe I will just ramble on about stuff.  I guess we will find out.

All cut back

No hiding spots here

West side


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