Thursday, March 13, 2014

Verbena bonariensis

I first became enamored with this plant when I discovered it outside of the Denver Botanic Gardens.  For the last couple of years I have tried to start Verbena bonariensis from seed. First year I sprinkled the seed directly outside in a flower bed.  Nothing sprouted.  Second year I tried starting it early indoors.  Nothing sprouted.  This year I had a moment of brilliance.  Not sure where I read this, but I was looking at poppy seeds online.  Someone suggested mixing the poppy seed with sand or potting soil and then sprinkling that mixture outdoors where you wanted the plants to grow.  It dawned me when I was looking at the Verbena seed that I should give this a try.  Guess what?!  I worked.  I have four small seedlings.  Yes, I added more seed than that to potting soil, but I am just thrilled I got those four.  Hopefully I haven't jinx the situation and I can keep them alive and grow large enough to transplant outside in late May.
So excited!
Hopefully they will grow into plants this size.

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